What’s My Style – Image a& Communication

Australia AUSCorowaNew South Wales NSW
Color ConsultationsCorporate Programs and SeminarsFashion StylingFundraising Seminar (Women)Professional StyleStyle ConsultationsWardrobe Revamp and Audit

We all have an awesomeness and charisma. It’s time to shine for being you!

Finally realising it herself, Nicky’s on a mission to help others tap into and flaunt it!

So, she ditched a long career in journalism and government/political communications to specialise in Image Consulting.

Nicky specialises in helping clients nail their first and lasting impression through how they present themselves and communicate – verbally and body language. Think of it as people packaging if you like.

Nicky’s professional background, as a partner in their Riverina farming business, and a mum, has given her plenty of life experience to keep her real. She’s met and worked with people from all walks of life – from the Prime Minister’s office to mums and dads – with a knack to connect and empathise at all levels.

By working with Nicky, you’re in the hands of a skilled and engaging image consultant who’s absolutely committed to you and your needs. As a member of Image Innovators and the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), she helps clients not just in the NSW Border region but further afield.

Enquiry Form


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Albury, NSW, 2640, Australia